In this article, uncleansable and undispellable status effects will be explained by using the Wolf and Raven Family Bonuses as examples.

Members of the Wolf Family typically apply beneficial status effects to allies. Normally, these status effects are vulnerable to being dispelled away by enemies.

Members of the Raven Family typically apply harmful status ailments to enemies. Normally, these status ailments are vulnerable to being cleansed away by enemies.

However, when 2 / 3 Wolf Family Heroes are fielded together, those Heroes gain a 35% / 50% chance to cast an undispellable version of their status effect. (Please note that this chance applies to each cast effect individually.)

Similarly, when 2 / 3 Raven Family Heroes are fielded together, those Heroes gain a 35% / 50% chance to cast an uncleansable version of their status ailment. (Again, note that this chance applies to each cast ailment individually.)
When a Wolf Family Hero successfully applies an undispellable status effect, then fires their Special Skill again before it expires, one of two things can happen:

  1. The Family Bonus is successfully activated again, and the Hero casts another undispellable status effect. In this case, the duration of the undispellable Status Effect is refreshed

  2. The Family Bonus does NOT trigger this time, and the Hero thus casts a dispellable status effect. In this case, nothing happens because a dispellable status effect cannot replace an otherwise identical but undispellable status effect. The original undispellable status effect simply remains in place

Please note that the above logic also applies to status ailments made uncleansable by the Raven Family Bonus.

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