Google processes all payments made through the Google Play Store.
To resolve any related purchasing issues, please consult Google's Support site.

Emergency troubleshooting:
Payment method greyed out / “not eligible”
1. If you are trying to pay with a credit/debit card, check the expiration date & billing address:
  • In the left hand navigation, select “Payment Methods”
  • Check the card’s expiration date and billing address
2. Check if the billing country and the legal country at match
  • In the left hand navigation, select “Payment Methods”
  • Check the payment methods’ billing country
  • In the top right corner, click on the “gear” icon to access the “Settings” page
  • Check the legal country
3. Try a different payment method
  • Payment method is declined by card issuer or carrier (usually “Payment method declined” error triggered)
  • Contact card issuer or carrier OR try a different payment method