There are rules in place that reduce the War Machine loot when you leave your Alliance. The purpose of this is to encourage Players to stay and grow with their Alliance. Reduced loot means your loot tier is half of what it would have been.

You will receive reduced War Machine Loot in the following situations:

- It has been less than 20 hours since you last earned full (non-reduced) War Machine loot.
- You have joined an Alliance after a War Machine has already spawned.
Please note: For Rare War Machines, you will also receive reduced loot if you were not a member of the Alliance 24 hours before the Rare War Machine appeared.

For example:
1 - Together, with your Alliance, you defeat a War Machine and receive full loot in accordance with your performance tier. For the next 20 hours, if you leave your Alliance and join another one, you will receive reduced loot. After 20 hours has passed since the previous War Machine has been processed, you will now be eligible again for full loot provided you were in an Alliance before the defeated War Machine spawns.

2 - It has been 20 hours since you last collected your full War Machine loot and you join an Alliance that has a Rare War Machine which has spawned before you joined. You will receive reduced loot because you joined the Alliance after the War Machine had spawned